Bible Verse of the Day:
"Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver. I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. Isaiah 48:10

Happy Birthday: Scott McGowan and Don Barnes.

Random Thoughts:
Thank you Don Barnes for the ministry you do for our church. You truly are on of God's refined. May he bless you richly on your day.

Look in the mirror and what do I see? Maybe it is a clean face and a dirty heart...or could it be a dirty face and a clean heart. God refines (tests) us. If you have ever watched the process of refining silver, you know it isn't the pretty shiny stuff we think of that first comes out. It is dingy, dark and dirty. The refiner(in our case God) has to put it in the fire time after time to refine it of all the impurities. Sometimes the fire God puts us through is a lot hotter than we want to be in, but it does help to refine us.

The refiner doesn't quit working on the silver until he can see his image in the silver. God desires to see His image in us. That is why "He is still working on make me what I ought to be." As long as we walk this earth, God wants to keep perfecting us so He can see His image in us. What do we see when we look in the mirror. Is it the image God wants to see?
Please God, keep working on me,
Make me what You want me to be,
Your Child,


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. I knew my sweet wife could do this.

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