My first thought of the day is.. some how my blog has been changed where I cannot choose the fonts I want nor print my words in color. If you know me at all, you know black and white are not my is all about the color. You should see my house. I only have one large closet painted white. Everything else is bright. EERRGGHH blogspot!!!!!
My second thought... is when did my children become the parent and I become the child. Every project that I come up with, some child decides that they need to give me advise. I am a responsible adult. I haven't gotten this far in raising them without a few pitfalls but I did okay.
My third thought...I have teetered with the idea of riding bikes with a group all summer. I am a chicken because I haven't been on a bike since I was 17 but thought "it would do me good", "I can't do this. I am too old." , " it will lower my blood sugar", " I will wipe out first time and ruin a bike and me". You get the idea. I have wish-washed back and forth all summer. Well, I finally decided to take the plunge....Sooooooooooooooo, now comes the next fun part. I have to find a bike. Listening to two different people, I have gotten the idea. (maybe) I have to make sure the bike isn't too tall for me. I have to have it "fitted". It cannot have shocks,has to have a small tire(road bike) , a gel seat, (my tush is suppose to thank me) and an aluminum frame. And going back to my second thought, you guessed it. My first concern is that it is a pretty color. After I get outfitted, I will let you know how bad it adventure is on my body. Well, I could tell you know but I will save it for another post. Some of the group I will be riding with have only been riding a month or two , some are seasoned professionals. One of the girls that is a newbie rode 16.5 miles this week. Don't think I can make anywhere near that type of time or endurance, This gal is way too old. There again, I will let you know.
my fourth thought....Next weekend is Labor Day weekend and I simply cannot wait. Memorial Day weekend our class of '75 from Lake City got together for a reunion. It was awesome. We agreed that we needed to get together more often. Next weekend we are hosting a cookout for the gang. I personally wish there were more folks attending but I will take what we can get. I know this is a last long weekend of summer and a lot of people have plans, but for the ones of us that don't, it is burgers, dogs and Boston butt. Can't wait. These were the friends of my youth and we grow apart but that kindred spirit of youth still prevails. I am so excited.
Thought number five...I have been talking with one of my grandsons today and realize how much of their life we are missing. These are the days that they change every day and I know I am missing so much. If you aren't a Nana, you would not appreciate the fact that I listened to my 17 month old grandson talk for 30 minutes this afternoon. He says Nana and Pop Pop and I promise that he doesn't remember us from the last time we say him but I thank his parents that that talk about us even though we aren't there.
It has been a beautiful day in the neighborhood today and life is good. I started this blog early in the morning and have done a multitude of different activities during the day. I am sated with pleasing activities and ready to face tomorrow.
May your days be happy ones and your thoughts be randomly pleasing,

Summer is over and time has shifted from fun in the sun to school and football.I am ready for the football. I can't wait to get out in the stadium and root for the home team. Now of course, it would be nice if the temps would drop about 25 degrees. I truly am looking forward to fall this year. First, there is the fact that my little cousin has walked on at stAte, then there is the fact that Doug is taking a couple of trips that leaves me time to get some things done around the house before Christmas decorating happens. Then there is the fact that I am going on a weekend sabbatical. I am looking so forward to that weekend. I can't wait to hibernate with a couple of good magazines , a good book, my ipod and tunes and pray that the weather cooperates. I love cool weather and hope that it has dropped to the point the if I go outside I need a lightweight jacket. Oh, yeah, that would be wonderful.
One of the first signs of fall is the grasshoppers on the windows at work. When they start to gather, I know that football is right around the corner.
I know that when football starts the first few games will be so hot that we will sit in the stands and sweat. By the time the season is over, we will all be wrapped in coats, mittens, hats, blankets and hot chocolate in our hands. Now THAT is football weather. Brock is a freshman walk on and he probably won't see much action this year but I will be there to support him whatever he does.
This year I had a new experience. All my kiddos have long since past the days of first day of school. I really don't miss those days, either. The young lady next door at work has an embroidery shop. "Commercial Threads" has been next door for a few months. Lisa, the owner, is a sweetheart I have know for 15 or so years and I was so excited when she moved in. I never dreamed that I would be helping her with her back to school rush. It was so much fun. I honestly cannot wait til the Christmas rush. We work late at night. She runs the machines and I clean everything up when it comes of the machine. I love taking the strings off, cleaning up the projects and seeing how neat they come out. I could be able to look at backpacks, lunch bags and preschool blankies and proudly say,"hey, I worked on that"!
Along with the end of summer, I have finished most of my Christmas cards and have started planning my holiday get togethers. Each year we tend to add a party or two. We love to welcome people into our house.
I have to come up with new foods to serve and new ways to decorate the trees . I love parties and when people come to my house, I want them to feel at home. I don't want fussy to dos. I want you to feel welcome in blue jeans or your best holiday togs. Getting ready for those parties is what fall means to me. When fall hits the air, Christmas is just around the corner.
Grasshoppers and Merry Christmas to one and all,
Wasn't that a motto from years gone by for one of the servicefriends_forever.<span class=jpg (550×413)"> organizations. Army, National Guard or something? It isn't a bad motto. Who are we anyway. Why do we have to be less than our best when we are around other people. Why do we treat others less admirably than we want to be treated ourselves?
But if the shoe were on the other foot, we would be so appalled if we were treated awful. I heard so many stories of people being treated wrong for no reason. Who are we to judge and sentence people just for our own good. I really don't think God would look down on that kind of behavior with favor.
I have had people hurt me for their own gain. It hurts. I have heard friends tell me of similar stories. I hurt for them. I also have friends that retaliate. I don't know if that is the best effort but it works for them.
I heard a friend say that sometimes "karma bites". He was kind of joking but he was enjoying seeing the results for someone that deserved what they got. Now he really didn't wish it on the other person, but I think he got pleasure in that the person that had gotten their "just reward" shall we say.
So my thought really is...if we be all that we can be....everyone of us, what a better place this would be. There are times that I simply don't feel like being the best that I can be. There are times I have my own "pity party" and want to wallow in it. This morning I had a burst of temper or exasperation or something that I blew my stack. As soon as I took out my frustrations, I felt like an idiot that I blew it for no real reason. I immediately felt bad for taking it our on someone else. Someone that I care about. Why do we become the worst beast around those we care about. YES, I did apologize. That was after the fact. I never should have blown up like that.
Funny thing about this blog post. I started it yesterday and never got around to finishing it. Now I am eating crow. How sad. I had this thought in my own mind and still blew it. Man, do I feel like a heel.
I have learned a lot of things on the computer but one thing I Friends (213).<span class= haven't learned is how to download videos from you tube and post. There is a "Toy Story" song that goes something like "You got a friend in me". I really wish that I could download it to the blog . IT is so perfect for what is really on my mind. If I am the friend I should be, you will have a friend in me.
Really, what good does it do to lash out to someone else because we aren't happy or things aren't going our way. I used to hear someone say quite often, "don't judge another man this you walked a mile in his shoes, you never know what type of burden they are carrying." How true is that.I truly believe that if we make a conscious effort to put on a happy persona we can share happiness instead of bitterness.
We cannot change the whole world. Now that would be looking through rosy glasses. We can make an effort to change day at a time. Occasionally we will digress but forward momentum will sustain us to be better people.
until next time I am working on my temper,
sorry friend,
still working on it,

As I ponder some of life's deepest questions I have come to realize that life really is short, we are just passing through this place for a short while on our way to a final destination, we will mess up, we will do some things right and we will have euphoria and well will have heartache. Those are just facts.

What we perceive as heartache....maybe it isn't so much heartache but we overachieve our own expectations. What we do right...maybe we think so lowly of ourselves that when life is done right we are elated. Are we over or underachievers in our own lives. Or do we sit around just waiting to see what yet another day may bring.

There are times when I feel as those I am in the middle of a season of bad luck. What else will happen. That is when I try to think good, happy thoughts and dreams to make it through. Then something else bad happens and in my mind I plotted a happy future. Now that puts me lower than ever.

I can only assume that we all have made dreams of the what ifs.....I won the lottery, I had a long lost rich cousin to die and I was the only heir, I found ten thousand dollars in a wallet and no one claimed it. You know the scene. In the end, it is all called financial security. It is all material.

I have two friends that have share a same dream. One is a young mother of one. The other an older father of four grown children. They have one major wish and or prayer that comes with a two edged sword. One needs a properly functioning kidney. The other a new heart. For each of these to achieve their desire in life, someone must die. How very sad. How sad that there are so many chances to pass on life to someone else yet our loved ones choose not to share with other families that are in need. I have for years signed my drivers license as a doner, this time I chose not to. Someone had talked me out of it. If I had something happen to me, I would hope that my family would at least see if I am a match for either of my friends first. I could give them something in death that I could never give them in life. If not for them, if I have healthy organs, please allow me to make someone else family happy by giving them the present of extended life to their own loved one.

I am convinced that when I do die, even with body parts removed, I shall obtain the perfect body again as soon as St. Peter stamps my hand and lets me through the pearly gates. What my body is like here on earth at that point doesn't matter. I prefer to be cremated but my family chooses not to do that to me. I do have other death request that I am adamant about but I do choose to share life with others in need. Friends first.

If I could know that should I be able to do that, I think that would be my greatest accomplishment while I walked this earth. If I could do that, I hope the people that reap the benefits would be appreciative of the gesture of someone that desired to see their life extended. God gave us his Son as the greatest gift. I think as a person, that could be our greatest gift.

I am hoping that if one person reads this and signs their card the next time you get your drivers' license it is worth writing this.

Give the gift of life,

Your love will be carried on,

Loving ya,
