Bible verse of the day:
John 3:8 (New International Version)
8The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Celebrations:Boy have I fallen off the wagon. There is so much catching up to do. If I missed anyone, my bad. Please forgive me. If you celebrate a birthday on September 10th, you share a birthday with Charles Kuralt. For all you youngsters, he was a journalist and did one of the first travel segments on tv with a statement referring to "on the road again". It was interesting to see where his next destination was. If you have ever eaten a tv dinner, on this date in 1953 Swanson sold the first one. If you are into cartoons, the "Road Runner Show" premiered in 1966.

Now if your birthday is September 13th, you share the date with my sister-in-law, Patricia Cockrell and friend Sharon Ward Cooper. You would also share your birthday with Roald Dahl, the screenwriter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach. Judith Martin, Miss Manners was born on this date and if you are a Muppet fan, The Muppet show premiered on this date in 1976. Miss Piggy, Kermit and Fozzie Bear, I guess today is your birthday, too. September 14th is the day Nancy Corter celebrates her birthday. She shares her special date with Ivan Pablov. Now it would really be ironic if her husband, Jim, shared the birthday. Jim theories on everything like Pavlov did.

September 15th is the day that Gerald Drope and Steve Ralston have birthdays. They share a birthday with Agatha Christie. Julie Clark share her birthday on September 16th with Lauren Bacall and Peter Falk.

September 17th was a special day in the family. My mom and dad got married in Lawrence county on this date in 1938. Unbeknown st to all my Aunt Lois and Uncle Bill got married in St. Louis on the very same day.

Pharita Calkin has a birthday on September 18th adn shares her day with Greta Garbo and if you love the vacuum cleaner you can thank Melvelle Bissell for the patent of the carpet sweeper on this day in 1876. I may have one of these next birthdays wrong. Seems like they were on the same day but Jill Hansen celebrated a birthday on September 19th while Kristi Pierce Craig celebrated her birthday on September 20th. I think the 20th is also Jay and Karen Gamblin's anniversary. September 20th is also Dr. Joyce Brothers and Sophia Loren birthday.

September 21st in the day that Stephen King , Leonard Cohen and H.G. Wells call their birthday. This is also the day my first born son entered the world. I am sure all mothers would agree that when the first born child enters the scene it is an eye-popping experience. Doug and I had our world turned upside down that day. Since Douglas is a new daddy this year, I hope he knows exactly what I mean. It is so different being in charge on your own life and letting your spouse take care of their life but when you bring that child into the world, you are responsible for the life of another individual. What a change! Doug and I traveled to Iowa last week to spend a few days with Douglas, Caroline and Tristan. I hope he thought is was better than a birthday card.

If you were born on September 22, you are born on the day of the cusp(?) between summer and fall.

Now that I have caught up with all the who's who around here I think I can move on to my random thoughts.

Random thoughts: You would think I would have lots of random thoughts since I have been MIA for so long, but the ole brain is kinda empty. I mentioned that Doug and I took a trip last week. We hopped in the car and set off for Davenport, Iowa. When we got around Springfield, Il we noticed the wind farm was coming up. This prompted speculation on our part about a lot of things.

1) we noticed how tall the windmills were. (We observed even closer when we saw flatbed trailers hauling single blades closer to Davenport. One blade hung off the trailer.) There was a tower close to the windmills and it appeared as though the windmills were taller than the tower.

2) There were no beacon lights on the windmills. Are they on flight plans for planes?
Are there any airports close by and why don't they have to be lit when the tower that looks shorter does have a beacon?

3) Are these monsters individually owned or are they a cooperate thing? Is this an energy company or someone just selling energy to the utility company?

4) We wondered what kind of expense there would be to putting up a windmill? What kind of return you receive on the investment? How long would it take you to receive a profit.

5) We figured that there was a switch to turn these things on and off because some were turning and others were not. Will the electric company only accept a certain amount of energy from one supplier or if these were just down for routine maintenance?

6)Is there anyone as fascinated by these things as the two hicks from Arkansas?

I hope to research this further since we are getting a plant in Jonesboro to make these things. I had assumed the ones made here were going to be on a much smaller scale but they may be as big as those. It will be interesting to see if these things crop up around here.

We were discussing this wind farm thing with a pilot friend last night. He was telling us about all the places in Texas that had these wind farms on the open plains. His friend made comment that all the "greenies" have a problem with the windmills because they destroy the landscape. Well, to my way of thinking, if you are a greenie, you should appreciate the fact that the energy is clean, does not pollute the air and is not using up all our fossil energy. Someone would have to have an extremely hard case to sway my way of thinking. If you are anti wind energy, you can try.
BTW, I hope my photography friends don't fuss about how bad my pictures are. Going down the interstate at 70 miles an hour this is the best I could do.
Until later,
Hope the wind whispers your way,

Bible Verse of the day:1 Timothy 1:5 NASB
For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and man, the man Jesus Christ,

Celebrations:Starting where I left off last.... Dianna Shatley and Stefanie Simmons celebrated birthdays last Friday, the 4th. We sang Happy Birthday to Dianna last Wednesday night at church. She has spent many years tickling the ivories for all services at church and does a wonderful job. My boss and his wife celebrated (very quietly) their 50th anniversary on Saturday. Brandon Craig also celebrated a birthday on Saturday. September 6th, Lettie Wilkinson celebrated a birthday and shares a birthday with Jeff Foxworthy. September 7th was Dana Bridger Hurts birthday. Dana was a BFF from high school. Dana shares a birthday with Grandma Moses and Buddy Holly. Now on September 8th, one of the most wonderful inventions took place. In 1921 a man named Richard Drew invented Scotch Tape. What would life be like today with Scotch Tape. Today is September 9th. A very special day. Adam Sandler shares a birthday with MaryKate Reid and our middle child, Jeremiah Davis. Today is the original day for "National Grandparents Day' although it is celebrated next Sunday. Also this is "Biscuits and Gravy" Week. Now that is my kind of thing to celebrate!! Yeahhhh!

Random thought:I read an article on the numerology of "0-09-09" just a few minutes ago. It is very interesting how people are about numbers. The article said that the Chinese are very high on the number 9. The Japanese are leery of the number 9, thinking is ranks second in bad omens. The number 9 is one of maths mysteries, on example is that September 9th is the 252 day of the year (usually) and 2+5+2=9.

Cool, huh. The study points out that this is the last date to have repetitive single digit dates until Jan. 1, 2101.

There us a place in Florida that is taking advantage of the day to offer wedding packages for $99.99 and ipod is putting out a new film today..."9".

If we believe that numbers work out neat and maybe have favorite numbers are we superstitious? Is it anti-God. Well, if it is, then why do Christians label the devil with 666 or why do the think the number 3 is Holy or that the number 7 is perfection.

No, I don't think it is evil to have favorite numbers. Just don't take this and turn it into a satanic practice or whatever. There are many of us that won't have anything to do with the number 13. A lot of hotels won't have a 13th floor. Some people simply have a fear of 13 or especially Friday the thirteenth.

So, Jeremiah, is your favorite number 9? Blake, is your favorite number 7?
Jeremiah will have his # 1 birthday as a new daddy today. Ian says "Happy Birthday, da-da."

I promise you there are baseball players that have favorite numbers. And bad numbers. Some times their actions are direct results of something to do with numbers. No other sport has as many numbers issues to deal with as baseball.

Are you a number person. Do you count steps and then repeat? I guess if you are a musician it would be one, two, three, four, one, two.... How about if you were a baker, would you count to 12 all the time? Does your number have to be a single digit? Will double digits work?

In the Bible we count:

1 God

2 parts of the day

3 Persons in one

4 seasons

5 loaves were blessed

6 days to make the world

7 times 70 we should forgive

(8 well I just couldn't come up with anything. )

9th hour was the time of Christ death.


All I know is that this is 1 sinner saved by grace,



Bible verse of the day: Philippians 4:5-7 (New American Standard Bible)
5Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near.
6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Celebrations: Since my last post we have had some very famous birthday celebrations. Mary Shelley , author of Frankenstein shared a birthday with all the August 30th people. It is hard to imagine that she was born in 1797. Just think how old the book Frankenstein would be. All the modern remakes, you would think it was written maybe forty or fifty years ago. Wow. For August 31st, how about this combo; Van Morrison and Itzhak Perlman. They were literally born on the same day. In 1945. What two musical contrast. Oh, Richard Gere was also born on that day.

September first, Lorre Gookin and Joe Pierce and Sydney Higgins all celebrate their birthday. The famous people they share with is Conway Twitty and Lily Tomlinson. Today, September 3rd, Colin Ford shares a birthday with Mort Walker, the cartoonist that pens Hi and Lois and Beetle Bailey.

Random thoughts: Why do we spend all our life wishing time away or anxious for something to happen or getting excited for something to happen. Do you realize how much time we spend in anticipation instead of enjoying the present. For example, when a person is pregnant, they look forward to when the baby arrives instead of the time God gives us to prepare for the blessed event. How about weddings. We stress, fret and plot and plan. We forget to enjoy each day that God has given us along the way. How many mamas worry about the first day of school. Not just for a week but maybe all summer. Ya know, the child probably would not be anxious except for the fact that they have heard mama worry forever.

A lot of people worry about turning 30 or 40 and forget to enjoy 29 or 39. What is the big deal about turning thirty. You are ONLY one day older than you were yesterday. Or how about people that look forward to 65. Come on, you get so excited about SS that you plan everything for the future and forget to live today.

STOP... and give God the glory for today. Enjoy today. All the woes and heartaches we encounter daily just might not be as bad if we just took life "One day at a time".

Now, don't get me wrong. It is okay to plot the future. It is not okay to worry about it. Let God do all the worrying for you, and just enjoy the scenery along the way. That is so much easier said than done, but I betcha that we would all live longer, healthier, happier lives if we practiced giving all our worries over to God in the first place instead of trying to handle life on our own.
Looking forward to a worry free day!