It has been such a long time since I posted on this blog. The Christmas holidays have kept me occupied with other things. Decorating, parties and presents. Oh, the joys of little tykes in the house at Christmas. How wonderful it was. It has been endless years since ours were small enough to enjoy the gifts left under the tree.
There were four cameras taking pictures of two little boys. After we finished the holiday pictures Jeremiah compiled all our pictures. There were over 700 total. Needless to say, a lot of them were duplicates.
As the old year passes away and a new one enters, I wonder...have we accomplished anything productive this year? Is the world a better place because of what we have done. Or maybe not done. Have we tried to go green to help the global warming a little. Change a light bulb or two. Turn down the temp on the hot water tank. Kept the tires inflated to the right pressure. Anything???
How about what we have done physically. Are we more fit than we were at the start of 2009? I know that Doug and I have walked quite a bit this year. We were doing so good until the Christmas shoppers descended upon the mall and it got hard to walk. NOTE..the new year is about to begin. Walking again would be a wonderful idea.
Have we done anything in our community or around town? Wish I could say yes to that one. Needs a little work.
How about New Year's resolutions? I only made one last year. I said that I would watch at least one movie a week. I think I failed miserably. There were many weeks that did not happen. Not even the tv type.
I haven't thought of one for this year. I would like to try the movie thing again this year but I am simply not a movie buff. I don't know were our children got the movie bug. It was not from their mom or dad.
I have been reading about a few superstitions and decided to post some of the information I found. Some I found quite interesting .

Black eyed peas are for good luck.

Cabbage or sauerkraut is for wealth.

Dancing around a tree on New Years Day is for health. (Think I will try that one this year.)

The pork thing.Chickens scratch, cows amble but pigs rout forward. We should go forward, too. Eat pork on New Years day.

Noise makers at midnight...well, to keep out the evil spirits, of course.

Kissing your true love at midnight.. you will live in love and happiness with that person for the entire rest of the upcoming year.

Don't wash clothes on New Years day (some even say dishes) because a loved one will die this year if you do.

Do something constructive to your work on New Years day, just don't work hard. It insures you of work for the year. If you over work on New Years day, it means you will work hard all year.

Don't cry on New Years Day. It will set the tone for tears for the whole year.

Don't take out the trash on New Years Day. You will have trash to dispose of all year.

Don't break anything on New Years will bring bad luck for the whole year.

Don't carry anything out of your house on New Years day. If you do, you will be paying or giving out things all year long.

Open doors and windows at midnight to let the old year out and the new year in. peas, turnip greens or sauerkraut with fried hog jowl. Cornbread just because it taste good with the meal and I do believe I shall do a jig around a tree. I would love a healthy year.

Mostly, I give thanks to my Lord and Savior for getting me through the day, month or year.

Best wishes for the New Year,
